The 80/20 with Coach Haley
Welcome to ”The 80/20 Podcast,” where we believe in breaking down the science of health and fitness while keeping it 20% lighthearted and fun. We have open conversations with fitness and health professionals to bring our listeners new perspectives and tools that they can integrate into their health and wellness routines. We aim to share stories that transport you into their interesting, entertaining, and extraordinary lives. We hope these new perspectives, opinions, and ideas give our listeners a fresh perspective, new motivation, and a 20% dose of entertainment. Remember, health and fitness is a journey, not a destination. So, whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or just taking a moment to stretch, keep that 80/20 balance in mind. Let’s dive into the world of high-level performance and discover how to be healthier, fitter, and happier!

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Jason Biggeman & River Beattie | Mental Health, Ketamine, and the ERRWellness Retreat
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Jason Biggeman is a firefighter and a paramedic with Strathcona County Emergency Services, an instructor at Emergency Services Academy or ESA, and now he is the co-founder of the Emergency Relief and Recharge Wellness Retreat, which is a not-for-profit first responders wellness retreat that promotes a more proactive approach to mental health.
River, Jason and Haley share their experiences about mental injuries, how to cope with mental injuries, emergency responder culture, how to unpack high acuity calls, stigmas, and how to build connections around the difficult and highly controversial topic of firefighter mental health.
Jason Biggeman Instagram | @err.wellnessretreat
River Beattie | @rbeatts
As always please feel free to reach out to Coach Haley @lfanning3 or @unstressd_athletics

Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Have you ever wondered what is normal when it comes to Testosterone? Do you have a gym mentor who swears it is harmless? How low is too low....... but for real?
Let's talk Testosterone with Dr. Robert Stevens!
Dr. Robert Stevens qualified from Sheffield Medical School in 1997 where he achieved a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. "I began looking to prevention, addressing the cause rather than the cure using the cornerstones of health; namely lifestyle, nutrition and exercise, before looking to modern medicine." Dr. Robert Stevens has his diploma in Fitness and Personal Training, and is an active member of the British, European & International Societies of Sexual Medicine, a connected member of The Androgen Society and the British Menopause Society, and was recently honoured to present at the IDSI 20th International Symposium on Diabetes, in association with the Mayo Clinic, USA.
The Men's Health Clinic Website |
The Men's Health Clinic Instagram | @themenshealthclinic
As always feel free to reach out to @lfanning3 or @unstressd_athletics and if you liked this podcast please RATE, REVIEW, and SUBSCRIBE! *****

Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Is The Rock natural? Do insulin and carbs make you fat? Should you avoid weight training when you're injured? Tune in to discover how to turn your injury around, how to prevent injuries in the first place, and how to know if your fitness advice is from a trusted source. Andrew Coates tunes in to discuss training through injury, and injury prevention.
Andrew Coates is a personal trainer with over 19,000+ client coaching hours, and a well known resource and fitness writer for Fitness Writer for major fitness publications including T-Nation, The PTDC, Generation Iron, and TrueCoach, with more in the works.
Andrew Coates Instagram | @andrewcoatesfitness
Andrew Coates Website |
As always please feel free to reach out to Coach Haley @lfanning3 and @unstressd_athletics

Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Cy the Sneaker Guy is a Co-Owner of Play and a "Shoe Nerd" with a mad passion for all things run! Do you Pronate? (Likely yes). Do you love Peanut Butter? In this episode we discuss his shoe line-up, his favorite run snacks, and what it feels like to run really, really fast. Tune in to hear his passion for the run community and the sport, and gain a unique perspective on the "sit and fit" experience.
Play Kelowna Website -
Play Instagram - @play_kelowna
Strava Run Club Link -

Friday Jan 05, 2024
Courtney Von Wackerbarth | Pelvic Floor Health, Kegel’s, and Bracing!
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Courtney is a Physiotherapist who works at Optimize Physio with her specialty being Pelvic Floor Health. Have you ever pee'd a little while deadlifting? Are you interested in being an athlete and a mom? Do you know what a Kegel is? Courtney explains what you can do right now to make your pelvic floor healthier and your quality of life better!
Optimize Physio -
Courtney's Instagram -
Optimize Physio Instagram - @optimizephysio

Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Natika, Sarah and River join me to discuss staying up ALL NIGHT LONG! From the science of Circadian Rhythms, to what actually happens at 3:00am, join us to figure out how to survive the night shift.
River Beattie - @rbeatts
Natika Pigeon - @pidge_n_
Unstressd Athletics -
Don't forget that all first responders get free programming at!

Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Dr.Matt Carson is a Chiropractor and Co-Owner of MVMT, and 3 other Clinic throughout Edmonton and Calgary. Today he discusses some common problems that our athletes often encounter such as rotator cuffs, activating your glutes, and back pain. He also touches on the importance of an in-depth assessment and utilization of an integrated team for better patient care!
MVMT Physio and Chiro -
MVMT Instagram - @mvmtphysiochiro
Dr. Matt Carson - @drmattcarson

Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Andrea Rice | On Running, Startline Run Coaching, and 2024 Goals!
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Meet your running champion from afar! Andrea Rice is the co-founder of Startline Run Coaching, a goal setting (and goal crushing) runner herself, and a fantastic mentor for anyone looking to get more information on running. In this episode, we explore her personal running goals and dive into her "WHY" for running. Whether you are a brand new runner, someone looking to get back into running, or a seasoned runner - dive into why we both love running and the running community!
Startline Run Coaching -
Andrea Rice Instagram - @akrice
Startline Instagram - @startlineruncoaching

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Today we are joined by River Beattie - He is a Personal Trainer, Primary Care Paramedic, Powerlifter, hockey player, and firefighter, and he is also the founder of Unstressd Athletics. We dive into why it is so important to set performance goals. We discuss setting Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals, How to track your fitness goals, and how to ACTUALLY stick to your New Year's Resolutions.
Relevant Links -
River's Instagram - @rbeatts
Unstressd Athletics Instagram - @unstressd_athletics

Your Host!
Coach Haley is the Founder of Unstressd Athletics and is also a paramedic, personal trainer, firefighter, powerlifter, and devoted runner. As a multifaceted professional, Coach Haley seamlessly blends her diverse roles into a holistic approach to health, wellness, and empowerment.
Through Unstressd Athletics, Coach Haley has a commitment to building not just a community but an extraordinary one, she endeavours to create a space where individuals come together to share experiences, knowledge, and a passion for optimal living.
At the core of Coach Haley's philosophy is a dedication to empirical knowledge. Fuelled by a desire to eradicate pseudoscience, she champions evidence-based practices that empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Through her work, she aims to help people navigate the often confusing landscape of health and wellness.
One of Coach Haley's most significant missions is to inspire individuals to dream big and achieve ambitious goals. Her approach extends beyond the confines of traditional fitness; it's about fostering a mindset that embraces challenges and triumphs. She strives to demonstrate that limitations are meant to be shattered, and personal achievements celebrated.
Haley is also passionate about bringing health and wellness to the first responder community.
"Thank you for joining the Unstressd Gang and for tuning into |The 80/20 with Coach Haley|! I hope that this podcast helps you reach your goals, connect with our amazing community and that we all have some fun along the way!"
XOXO - Coach Haley